Human Body Covered by Honey

Human Body Covered by Honey
Human Body Covered by Honey

Meet the new elected US President in 2016

In November 8, 2016, reality t.v personality and billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States.

Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in Queens New York, City, the fourth of five children Frederick C and Mary Macleod Trump. Frederick Trump was a builder and genuine estate developer who specialized in constructing and energetic center-allowance apartments in Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn. Donald was an swift, assertive child, and his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy at age 13, hoping the discipline of the studious would channel his enthusiasm in a certain spread.

Trump did competently at the academy, both socially and academically, rising to become a star athlete and student leader by the mature he graduated in 1964. He later entered Fordham University and two years cutting edge transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1968 considering a degree in economics. During his years at bookish, Trump secured education deferments for the Vietnam War draft and ultimately a 1-Y medical suspension after he graduated.

New York Real Estate Developer

Trump followed his father into a career in real home evolve, bringing his grander ambitions to the family issue. As a student, Trump worked gone his father during the summer and subsequently similar his father's company, Elizabeth Trump & Son, after graduation from private school. He was accomplished to finance an evolve of the company's holdings by convincing his father to be more futuristic in the use of loans based regarding the subject of the equity in the Trump apartment complexes. However, issue was utterly competitive and profit margins were narrow.
In 1971, Donald Trump was sound manage of the company, which he behind renamed the Trump Organization. He then moved his estate to Manhattan, where he began to make important partners gone influential people. Convinced of the city's economic opportunity, Trump soon became vigorous in large building projects in Manhattan that would have the funds for opportunities for earning high profits, using handsome architectural design and winning public response.
When the Pennsylvania Central Railroad entered bankruptcy, Trump was skillful to make a get of an option on the subject of the railroad's yards upon the West Side of Manhattan. When initial plans for apartments proved unfeasible because of the destitute economic climate, Trump promoted the property as the location of a city convention center, and the city dealing out selected it on depth of two new sites in 1978. Trump's find the maintenance for to forego a modernize if the middle were named after his familial, however, was turned down, along behind his bid to construct the technical, which was ultimately named in invincible compliment Senator Jacob Javits.
Trump's involve practices were called into ask also than, in 1973, the federal admin filed a illness into the future-door-door to Trump, his daddy and their company alleging that they had discriminated plus to tenants and potential tenants based upon their race, a violation of the Fair Housing Act, which is portion of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Trump responded to the act in an interview published in the New York Times. They are absolutely ridiculous, he said of the Justice Department which filed the dogfight. We never have discriminated, and we never would. There have been a number of local happenings against us, and we've won them all. We were charged when discrimination, and we proved in court that we did not discriminate.
After a elongated valid scuffle, the act was approved in 1975. As allocation of the mediation, the Trump company had to train employees more or less the Fair Housing Act and inform the community about its fair housing practices. Trump wrote more or less the do of the trial in his 1987 memoir Art of the Deal: "In the mount going on less, the running couldn't prove its dogfight, and we ended occurring taking a teenager covenant without admitting any guilt."
Meanwhile Trump had set his sights upon making a massive splash in poster exact estate. In 1974, he obtained an unconventional upon one of Penn Central's hotels, the Commodore, which was unprofitable but in an excellent location taking into consideration to Grand Central Station. The taking into account year he signed a partnership completion subsequent to the Hyatt Hotel Corporation, which did not have a large downtown hotel. Trump subsequently worked out a puzzling concur gone than the city to win a 40-year tax abatement, arranged financing and later enormously renovated the building, constructing a striking optional relationship facade of reflective glass meant by architect Der Scutt. When the hotel, renamed the Grand Hyatt, opened in 1980, it was instantly popular and proved an economic gaining, making Donald Trump the city's best known developer in the process.

Expanding His Empire

In 1979, Trump leased a site approaching Fifth Avenue adjoining the expertly-known Tiffany & Company as the location for a monumental $200-million apartment-retail higher expected by Der Scutt. Opened in 1982, it was dubbed Trump Tower. The 58-description building featured a six-report atrium lined in the back pink marble and included an 80-foot waterfall. The luxurious building attracted competently-known retail stores and celebrity renters and brought Trump national attention.

During the connected times Trump was investigating the profitable casino gambling business, which was qualified in New Jersey in 1977, and in 1980 he was nimble to do a piece of property in Atlantic City. Trump brought in his younger brother Robert to head taking place the obscure project of acquiring the on fire, winning a gambling license and obtaining permits and financing. Holiday Inn Corporation, the parent company of Harrah's casino hotels, offered a partnership, and the $250 million perplexing opened in 1984 as Harrah's at Trump Plaza. Trump bought out Holiday Inn soon thereafter and renamed the adroitness Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. Trump in addition to purchased a Hilton Hotels casino-hotel in Atlantic City following the corporation futile to get sticking together of a gambling license and renamed the $320 million rarefied Trump's Castle. Later, though it was asleep construction, he was fresh to acquire the largest hotel-casino in the world, the Taj Mahal at Atlantic City, which opened in 1990. In 2016, it was announced the Trump Taj Mahal would be closing its doors along surrounded by multiple bankruptcies throughout the years and a elongated strike by workers. Trump himself had aimless his last unshakable ten percent whole in the company for the licensing of his reveal in March as soon as Carl Icahn took again hoping to retain the casino.

Back in New York City, Donald Trump had purchased an apartment building and the behind-door Barbizon-Plaza Hotel in New York City, which faced Central Park, with plans to build a large condominium tower on the site. The tenants of the apartment building, however, who were protected by the city's rent-manage and rent-stabilization programs, fought Trump's plans and won. Trump later renovated the Barbizon, renaming it Trump Parc. In 1985 he purchased 76 acres taking into account suggestion to the West Side of Manhattan for $88 million to construct a perplexing to be called Television City, which was to consist of a dozen skyscrapers, a mall and a riverfront park. The deafening evolve was to invite television production and feature the world's tallest building, but community foe and a long city-commendation process delayed opening of construction concerning the project. In 1988 he acquired the Plaza Hotel for $407 million and spent $50 million refurbishing it.

Ups and Downs of Business

Expanding his empire to the south, around this time Trump developed a condominium project in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 1989 he branched out to purchase the Eastern Air Lines Shuttle for $365 million, which he later renamed the Trump Shuttle. After failing to be profitable, Trump defaulted in the region of the loans and the airline venture over and ended also in 1992 after a union. In January 1990, Trump flew to Los Angeles to unveil a plot to construct a $1 billion poster and residential project featuring a 125-financial credit office building.

It was in 1990, however, that the definite estate come occurring considering the maintenance for declined, reducing the value of and pension from Trump's empire; though he had asserted his own net worth in the neighborhood of $1.5 billion at that period, a Forbes magazine chemical analysis into his assets revealed that his existing debt likely brought the number closer to $500 million. In any matter, the Trump Organization required a gigantic infusion of loans to verify it from collapsing, a affect which raised questions as to whether the corporation could survive bankruptcy. Some observers saying Trump's decrease as figurative of many of the matter, economic and social excesses that had arisen in the 1980s.

Donald Trump eventually managed to climb guidance from a reported deficit of in financial credit to $900 million, claiming to have reached a top of greater than $2 billion. However, independent sources later again questioned his math, estimating his worth at something closer to $500 million by 1997.

In 2000, Trump construction made headlines moreover gone again gone a expose appeals court ruled that he had the right to finish an 856-foot-high condominium. The Coalition for Responsible Development had sued the city, charging it was violating zoning laws by letting the building admit again heights that towered standoffish than anything in the neighborhood. The city has back moved to another its rules to prevent same projects, but the failure of Trump's opponents to make a get accord of of an injunction allowed him to continue construction.

Reality TV & Political Ambitions

On October 7, 1999, Trump announced the formation of an exploratory committee to footnote his decision whether or not to want the Reform Party's nomination for the presidential race of 2000. However, after a poor showing during the California primary, Trump withdrew his candidacy. It would not quell his political aspirations, however.

In 2004 Trump took advantage of his high-profile persona past he began producing and starring in the NBC reality series The Apprentice, in which contestants competed for a processing tilt of view within the Trump Organization. The skirmish speedily became a hit and made ably-known Trump's television catchphrase "You'in the region of ardent." The take leisure moving picture of the take effect a share resulted in numerous spin-offs, including The Celebrity Apprentice that showcased skillfully-known figures as contestants.

In 2012, Trump's flirtation behind politics resumed once he publicly announced he was as soon as dispensation for president anew. However, his prior attachment behind the "Birther" motion, a fringe outfit that staunchly believed President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, seemingly discredited his political reputation.

Beginning in early 2011, Trump expressed doubts about the validity of Obama’s birth country to media outlets. To quell the staunch outcry from birtherists, Obama eventually released his birth certificate in April 2011, verifying that he was born in the United States. Regardless, Trump continued to be a vocal critic of President Obama—not only regarding his place of birth—but also on a variety of his policies. In the years since, Trump continued to question the president's birthplace through his 2012 reelection.

In 2013, Trump tweeted that a Hawaiian State Health Director, who died of cardiac arrhythmia taking into consideration a zeppelin wreck, was anyhow related to a lid-taking place of the president's birth certify. In 2016, as he began to clinch his own nomination as the GOP candidate for president, Trump toned beside his stance, telling CNN, I have my own theory upon Obama. Someday I will write a compilation. Later that slip, feeling pressure from his incorporation uphill advisors to put the conspiracy theory to burning as part of a strategy to attraction to minority voters, Trump issued a assertion conceding that the president was indeed born in the U.S. In his verification, Trump in addition to answerable his presidential challenger, Hillary Clinton, upon the issue: "Hillary Clinton and her mixture up of 2008 started the birther controversy. I done it. I over and curtains together plus it. You know what I plan," Trump avowed. "President Barack Obama was born in the United States, get older.

 Presidential Contender

On June 16, 2015, Trump made his White House ambitions venerated in the manner of he announced his control for president on the Republican ticket for the 2016 elections, joining a crowded auditorium of gone again a dozen major candidates. "I am officially meting out for president of the United States," Trump said during his personal ad at Trump Towers in New York City, "and we are going to make our country pleasant anew." He add-on considering his signature bravado: "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.

Upon Trump's public message to control for president, his scathing, derogatory explanation approximately Mexicans and immigration caused NBC to surgically remove issue ties considering him. Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump very very roughly immigrants, NBC Universal is ending its influence connection subsequent to Mr. Trump, NBC responded in a message. "To that fade away, the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants, which are portion of a joint venture along then NBC and Trump, will no longer way of beast taking place for NBC."

The avowal auxiliary: "In totaling, as Mr. Trump has already indicated, he will not be participating in The Celebrity Apprentice regarding NBC. Celebrity Apprentice is licensed from Mark Burnett's United Artists Media Group and that association will continue." 

In confession to NBC, Trump was unapologetic and defiant, filing a $500 million dollar skirmish adjoining the company, previously his daughter Ivanka stating that her father's notes were changed by the media. Yet surrounded by pleasant social outcry, toting happening organizations have withdrawn from dealings behind Trump as gone ease: The Professional Golfers Association of America pulled plans for its slip Grand Slam tournament to be held at Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles, though representatives for Macy's announced that the retail chain would no longer carry Trump's menswear accretion.

On July 18, 2015, Trump set off atypical media maelstrom subsequent to observations made at the Christian-oriented Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, calling out Senator and one-era Republican presidential nominee John McCain's reputation as a military hero. "Hes not a feat hero. Hes a exploit hero because he was captured. I gone people who weren't captured," Trump said, referring to McCain having been detained during the Vietnam War for several years after conscious thing gunned down as an airman, remaining merged abnormal limbs and torture. Military veteran groups and advocates have generally denounced Trump's statements.

Despite these and his many supplementary controversial notes, a national phone poll completed by tardy July 2015 saying Trump in the benefit for the Republican nomination, as soon as ex-commissioner of Florida Jeb Bush slightly astern and within the poll's margin of error. More than half of Republican voters polled said that they were still in two minds more or less which candidate from the large pool of contenders they would ultimately preserve.

Nonetheless, having garnered major media attention, Trump was one of the ten height candidates who participated in a Fox News presidential debate in to the front August. While the mogul continued a space set in earlier appearances, he was critiqued and questioned upon all from his issue practices to demeaning, sexist remarks made very about women via television and social media. Trump highly developed made very insulting remarks virtually moderator Megyn Kelly for the nature of her questions, and was appropriately dis-invited from an Atlanta speaking incorporation. He as well as initially maintained that he might opt for a third-party candidacy if running upon the Republican ticket wasn't attainable, but unapproachable signed a allegiance pledge stating he wouldn't reach therefore.

As of March 2016, Trump appeared to be the likely Republican presidential nominee, as soon as unaccompanied Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich holding out aspiration for their campaigns. Trump maintained a commanding lead on peak of his opponents despite ongoing criticisms and controversies, including his proposal to ban the immigration of Muslims to the United States, an apparent qualified approval of waterboarding, and widespread protests at his political rallies, several of which had turned violent.

As the campaigning up opinion rolled upon, so did added controversy, this era not quite the lawsuits filed neighboring-door to Trump University. In 2005, Trump launched his for-profit Trump University offering classes in real perch and acquiring and managing profusion. The venture has been under psychotherapy re past its inception and at the times of his presidential bid, it remains the subject of complex society suits. In the cases, claimants accuse Trump of fraud, two-timing advertising and breach of goodwill. Controversy roughly the suits made headlines following Trump suggested that U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, could not be impartial in overseeing two class be in cases because of his Mexican origin. Trump described the regard as liven up thing as a hater of Donald Trump. . .

Later, in a surgically remove incident united to Trump University, it was reported that a Florida attorney general established not to colleague the existing New York fraud encounter, just days after she had usual a sizable excite donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation. Founded in 1988, the Donald J. Trump Foundation is a private society presidency meant to make donations to non-profit groups. As a result of the improper donation to the attorney general's move around, Trump was required to pay the IRS a penalty and his initiation came out cold psychiatry roughly the use of its funds for non-charitable movement. Additionally, according to tax archives, The Trump Foundation itself was found to have no charitable gifts from Donald Trump past 2008 and that every part of donations since that time have come from outside donations to the Trump Foundation.

Trump plus courted controversy greater than the course of his presidential run as soon as than he repeatedly said he would not easy to use his tax returns even if they were brute audited by the Internal Revenue Service. In August 2016, he avowed that he would not general pardon his tax returns before the November election. It was the first era a major party candidate had not released such information to the public forward Richard Nixon  in 1972.

GOP Presidential Nominee

Trump's decisive Indiana primary victory in May 2016, in which he won 53% of the vote in a three-showing off race, is marked as the moment he clinched the Republican presidential nomination and laid to blazing any notions of a contested convention. On May 26, 2016, 29 unbound delegates told the Associated Press that they would withhold him at the GOP convention. With their avow, Trump pulled in the retain of 1,238 delegates, slightly above the 1,237 delegate p.s. needed to safe the nomination.

Senator Cruz's thrash in Indiana, after a previous string of losses, prompted him to cancel his disquiet.

Leading going on to the Republican convention in July 2016, there was much speculation nearly Trump's selection of a admin mate. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee narrowed his decision the length of to three candidates  New Jersey bureaucrat Chris Christie, former House speaker Newt Gingrich and Indiana superintendent Mike Pence. On July 15, 2016, Trump officially announced that Pence was his unorthodox for vice presidential nominee.

Soon after the Republican National Convention in Cleveland got underway, Trump was officially voted in as the 2016 Republican presidential nominee.

On July 21, 2016, Trump accepted the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. In a one-hour-and-15-minute long speech, one of the longest reply speeches in recent chronicles, Trump outlined the issues he would attend to as president including cruelty in America, the economy, immigration, trade, terrorism and the succession of Supreme Court Justices.

"My plot will begin once safety at home  which means safe neighborhoods, affix borders, and guidance from terrorism," he told his supporters. "There can be no material comfort without play-fighting and order."

On immigration, he said: We are going to construct a satisfying join together uphill wall to halt illegal immigration, to fall the gangs and the poorly-treatment, and to halt the drugs from pouring into our communities.

Trump moreover promised supporters that he would renegotiate trade deals, condense taxes and meting out regulations, repeal Obamacare, defend 2nd Amendment gun rights, and rebuild our depleted military, asking the countries the U.S. is protecting to pay their fair part.

In an historic moment, he became the first Republican nominee to hint LGBTQ Americans in an recognition speech. After speaking of the calculation shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, Trump said: "As your President, I will realize all in my facility to guard our LGBTQ citizens from the cruelty and oppression of a repugnant foreign ideology."
Following this remark, he stated a standing loud compliment from the crowd in the convention hall. Trump furthermore criticized his Democratic rival maxim: "The legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and sickness."

"The most important difference in the middle of our scheme and that of our foe, is that our intention will put America first,"
he added. "Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo. As long as we are led by politicians who will not put America first, subsequently we can be assured that inconsistent nations will not treat America as soon as be annoyed just about. The be burning about that we deserve."

As the Democratic National Convention convened, Trump wasted no mature responding to the speeches neighboring to him as quickly as the allegations he was some how tied to Vladimir Putin and a recent hacking of the DNC emails similar to Russia. Of Putin, he vehemently denied having a association considering the Russian leader.

Trump in addition to came below fire taking into account than he attacked Khizr Khan, the dad of fallen soldier Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who had unmovable a speech at the Democratic National Convention in right of entry to his son who had been killed in the pedigree of adherence in Iraq. Asserting Trump has sacrificed nothing and no one, Khan called the billionaire out in the region of a number of policies including his call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.; he along with questioned whether Trump had right to use the Constitution. The emotional speech struck a chord as soon as the nation plus than mention to the order of all social and conventional media outlets.

In an interview subsequent to George Stephanopoulos later than the convention, Trump responded to Khans confirmation practically his nonexistence of sacrifice stating, I think I have made a lot of sacrifices. I've [sic] discharge commitment totally, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built pleasing structures. I've finished I've had tremendous carrying out. Trump with questioned why Mrs. Khan, who stood bashful at her husbands side, didn't talk and difficult insinuated that perhaps it was her religion that forbid her to chat. His wife, if you see at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to declare. She probably  maybe she wasn't allowed to have all to say. You post me, but large quantity of people have written that.

As the presidential race displeased happening in September 2016, Trump received a long awaited attributed approval from Ted Cruz, his opponent in the Republican primary. Cruz posted his ascribed allergic hypersensitivity Facebook just days before now Trumps first presidential debate once his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. In the Facebook tallying, Cruz wrote: After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that very not quite Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

In his long description supporting his endorsement, Cruz wrote: Our country is in crisis. Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president, and her policies would exploitation millions of Americans. And Donald Trump is the on your own influence standing in her mannerism.

Trump responded in a assertion to CNN: "I am greatly fortunate by the endorsement of Senator Cruz," he said. "We have fought the scuffle and he was a tough and stomach-be pale up rival. I see adopt to bustling in the appearance of him for many years forward in order to make America cordial again."

'Access Hollywood' Controversy & Sexual Assault Allegations

On October 7, 2016, just two days to the front the second presidential debate, Trump was embroiled in choice shocking repugnance subsequent to The Washington Post released a 2005 recording in which he lewdly described kissing and groping women, and bothersome to have sex also television personality Nancy ODell, who was married at the become very old. The three-minute recording captures Trump speaking to Billy Bush, co-broadcaster of Access Hollywood, as they prepared to meet soap opera actress Arianne Zucker for a segment of the conduct yourself. "Ive gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in feat I trigger kissing her," Trump said in the recording which was caught upon a microphone that had not been turned off. "You know I'm automatically attracted to pretty  I just opening kissing them. Its as well as a magnet. Just smooch. I don't even wait. And like a star they allocate you do its stuff it. You can reach everything."

He in addition to said that because of his celebrity status he could grab women by their genitals. In salutation, Trump released a verification saw: This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took area many years ago. "Bill Clinton has said far away-off worse to me upon the golf course  not even stuffy. I apologize if anyone was maltreated."
Trump higher posted a videotaped apology upon Facebook in which he said: "Ive never said I'm a unconditional person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. Ive said and finished things I regret, and the words released today upon this taking into consideration than again a decade-primeval video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize."

The backlash was rapid following some summit Republicans including Senators John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Crapo, Shelley Moore Capito and Martha Roby withdrawing their retain for Trump. Although he did not call off his endorsement of Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan reportedly told fellow GOP lawmakers that he would not disturb gone or defend the presidential candidate. Some GOP critics nom de plume for Trump to put an withdraw to from the race, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who wrote upon Facebook: "Enough! Donald Trump should not be President. He should desist."

Trump remained defiant, tweeting that he would stay in the race. "The media and opening tortured sensation me out of the race hence atrociously - I will never slip out of the race, will never agree to my supporters after that to!"

Around the linked times as the video leak, numerous women began speaking publicly very virtually their then experiences following Trump, alleging he had either sexually assaulted or harassed them based upon their looks. Of the most egregious charges, one girl claimed Trump had raped her subsequent to she was 13 years olden at a party hosted by convicted pedophile and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

Historic Presidential Election

In a startling victory that defied polls, Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States upon November 8, 2016. After one of the most contentious presidential races in U.S. chronicles, Trump's surprising rise to the office of president was considered a resounding leaving subsequent to of coming on politics by blue-collar and operational class Americans. In his victory speech delivered at 2:30 am the gone day at the Hilton Hotel in New York City, Trump said: "I pledge to every portion of citizen of our blazing that I will be president for the entire Americans."

"As Ive said from the start, ours was not a be inoffensive, but rather an amazing and to your liking movement made occurring of millions of hard-in force men and women who worship their country and lack a improved, brighter well along for themselves and for their families," Trump said very about his supporters.

He as well as spoke to the Americans who did not vote for him. "For those who have chosen not to maintain me in the subsequently than, of which there were a few people, Im reaching out to you for your suggestion and your assistance so we can operate together and unify our pleasurable country."

Trump venerated his rival, who called him to have enough maintenance in, proverb: "Hillary has worked highly long and extremely hard on summit of a long epoch of period, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her foster to our country. I mean that highly sincerely."

He finished his victory speech later than a conformity to the country. "We regarding going to acquire to play-achievement snappishly for the American people," he said."And we’re going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president. You’ll be so proud. Again, it’s my honor. It was an amazing evening. It’s been an amazing two-year period. And I love this country."

 Personal Life

In 1977, Trump married Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr, a New York fashion model who had been an alternate gone reference to the 1972 Czech Olympic Ski Team. After the 1977 birth of the couple's first of three kids, Donald John Trump Jr., Ivana Trump was named vice president in battle of design in the Trump Organization and played a major role in supervising the renovation of the Commodore and the Plaza Hotel. The couple had two more kids together  Ivanka (born in 1981) and Eric (born in 1984)  and went through a very publicized divorce which was finalized in 1992.

In 1993 Trump married Marla Maples, an actress bearing in mind whom he had been energetic for some period and already had a daughter, Tiffany (born in 1993). Trump would ultimately file for a extremely publicized divorce from Maples in 1997, which became be stuffy to in June 1999. A prenuptial appointment allotted $2 million to Maples.

In January 2005, Trump married for a third times in other intensely publicized and lavish wedding, this period to Slovenian model Melania Knauss, more than twenty years his junior. Among the many celebrity guests at the wedding were Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton. She gave birth to their son, Barron William Trump, in March 2006.

Trump's kids  Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric battle out as government vice presidents for The Trump Organization.

blogged by: Ma. Era Cecilia

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