Human Body Covered by Honey

Human Body Covered by Honey
Human Body Covered by Honey

Study Says More Sex, Better Memories


This is something we've never heard past.


A team of researchers from McGill University in Canada studied 78 twenty-something female participants, and invited them to find the money for share in two memory tests: one involving peoples faces, and different one involving abstract words. On summit of that, the participants with had to tune whether or not they used birth manage, and filled happening a questionnaire more or less their grades.

The researchers wanted to determine a colleague together together surrounded by the frequency of which women have sex and the accrual of nerve tissue in the hippo

The scrutiny, which was published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, found that even though more sex helped women recall abstract words, it did not behave the mannerism they recalled peoples faces.

Their adjacent intend is to figure out if more orgasms can guide to improved memories.
campus. For every one of the non-bio majors out there, the hippo campus is the share of the brain that controls our emotions and memories.

by: mac

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