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Human Body Covered by Honey
Human Body Covered by Honey

7.3 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan, Tsunami Warning Issued


JAPAN- November 22, 2016
Residents were ordered to evacuate after a sound earthquake struck Japans northeast coast before Tuesday.

The magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred at 5:59 a.m., local era, off the coast of Fukushima prefecture. It caused minor uncharacteristic and injuries, and rocked buildings in Tokyo, just about 150 miles away.

A tsunami measuring 1.4 meters (4.6 feet) was reported stuffy Sendai. But the Japan Meteorological Agency issued a terrify for new waves of taking place to three meters (10 feet) in Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures, parts of which have yet not recovered adequately from the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck in 2011.

Residents were ordered to influence to higher pitch regarding Tuesday. Live television showed vehicles opposed to away from coastal regions at tall speeds, and ships and fishing vessels upsetting out to sea.

No broken or abnormalities were reported at the Fukushima Daiichi gift forest, which suffered a partial meltdown in 2011. Power was loose briefly Tuesday at the available Fukushima Daini nuclear skill forest, but was speedily restored, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company.

Most nuclear knack nature in Japan have been shut down past the 2011 disaster.

The weather agency placed the epicenter of the quake at 10 kilometers underground, off the coast of Fukushima. The quake measured a humble 5 a propos Japans depth scale, the weather agency said.

Service was temporarily interrupted upon some high-vigor bullet trains in the region.

Japan is one of the most seismically nimble regions of the world and earthquakes are fairly common.  Nearly 16,000 people were killed and well along than 2,500 remain missing from the magnitude 9.1 earthquake that struck Japans northeastern Tohoku upon March 11, 2011, calamity.

That quake generated a tsunami that reached heights of 133 feet and progress some six miles inland in some regions.


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