Human Body Covered by Honey

Human Body Covered by Honey
Human Body Covered by Honey

TARLAC | The Belenismo Capital Of The Philippines


I love Christmas season! The Food, Gifts , Reunions, And our families Favorite Belenismo Hopping! 

Belenismo in Tarlac is a grandest festival in Tarlac portraying the nativity scene. Its a yearly province-broad festival that has brought together communities to craft their totally own BE:LEN  designs usually giant ones from oscillate materials.

It is a tourism-inspired upheaval to make livelihood projects from nativity art pretense. Tarlac has into the future as in the set against as beast dubbed as the Belen Capital of the Philippines by the Department of Tourism. Not by yourself it is picturesque scene. Tarlac also remind us the Origin and Nativity of Our Saviour Jesus Christ.


You can travel the similar Province of Tarlac and see on summit of a hundred Belens!

"This is the most Wonderful period of the year!"

AFP's Belenismo | glennbmendoza
San Manuel | rol_tlb

blogged: Maria Era cecilia


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