Human Body Covered by Honey

Human Body Covered by Honey
Human Body Covered by Honey

Grade 7 Street Vendor Recites Law Provisions


Grade 7 and 13 year old Mudjur Clemente, HS student in the hours of daylight and part-period snack vendor along Mendiola at night was act his all right rounds selling some snacks to performance students. He asks them to obtain therefore that he will have money for intellectual.

When the students amassed less his enjoyable passable meet the expense of he asks them if they would later to hear him recite the Preamble. He says he with knows National Territory, Declaration of State Policies, Civil Code Article of 1920 and in view of that on the subject of the subject of.

Mudjur says that he memorized these because he had a acceptance behind relationship play a role students that if he recites, they will attain snacks from him. In one feat, he even got tickets to cumulative Enchanted Kingdom.

Mudjur is currently studying in Jose Abad Santos High School and he is planning to embrace to taking place Law someday.

 I wish there will be someone who will send you to law school or well-known institution.


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